The Landmark College alumni community is more than 9,000 strong! Our motto is “Alumni From Day One.”
We offer:
- A common ground for developing professional networks
- A channel for rekindling former friendships and beginning new ones
- A conduit for sharing new technologies and advances in the fields of learning disabilities, ADHD, and ASD
- A source of lifelong learning offered by Landmark College, through campus activities, lectures, and distance learning
- An avenue for giving back to your alma mater
We’re always looking for alumni to get involved in various ways, either on or off campus. Let us know how you’d like to help!
Landscape Magazine
Landscape is the magazine for alumni and friends of Landmark College. This free publication comes out twice a year in print form, or check our Landscape Magazine page for current and back issues. To become a subscriber, please drop us a line at [email protected] (and please include your mailing address).
Tricia Stanley
Director of Alumni Relations
[email protected]